Monday, February 27, 2012

And Just Like that...It is All Over

I was still so hopeful, earlier today, even though I really wasn't feeling any early pregnancy symptoms...and then this evening, my world shattered yet again.  Tomorrow is my beta...and I again didn't even make it to beta.  I started spotting this evening.  Basically that means that it is all over.  Sure there is a slim chance.  Maybe it is early pregnancy spotting, maybe there were two, and I am losing one, maybe, maybe , maybe.  And even with these maybes...there isn't much hope.  These maybes represent less than 1% we know it is over.  The doctor still makes you go in for the blood test...just in case, but I know what the result will be.  You would think that this would get easier, or that you would get used to this, after going through it so many times.  But I never do, it hurts just as much, and actually it hurts even more now, because we know that there are embryos that we are losing, and financially...well, we just can't keep affording this.  We need a break, not only for our sanity, but also financially. we need to come up with our plan...what will we do next.  It is tough to know where to go from here. 

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